Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jaquizzi Channel -- Tata Crucible Campus '11 - Jaipur Edition

Here is the launch of a new channel called JAQUIZZI CHANNEL.
Watch the entire TATA Crucible '11 Jaipur Edition as recorded by Avinash Maurya on 16th March, 2011.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tata Crucible Campus '11 - Jaipur Edition

By: Sunil Tyagi & Avinash Maurya


1. What is the full form of MCX?
2. Which celebrity endorses a perfume named ‘S Square’?
3. The group has its origins in Bikaner, Rajasthan where its organization’s founder, Mr. Gangabishan Agarwal ran the sweet shop. The brand?

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